Thursday, 31 January 2008

late night thoughts

I'm stuck in a hotel. Actually, it's a pretty nice hotel, somewhere in the mountains. And I'm almost out of cigarettes, so I must go to bed before I finish them. And I feel guilty I haven't updated and uploaded my thoughts or stories. I'm beggining to think the best obssesion therapy is work. Sooo.... it's my first moment alone with myself is the past two weeks so I'm cillian blue again.
And, Cillian, I know you'll never read this, but I still can't stop writing as if you ever would do... (does this sound crazy or what? me pretending to talk to a super star?)... I think you have the purest human face ever to be on the big screen... funny how the lines of your face are so similar to the ones of the ancient citizens of our world... could beauty have some certain features that never go away or change with the ages?

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